Divorce Counseling

Nobody plans on needing divorce counseling when they start their married life together, but the reality is that 76% of first marriages in Orange County are going to end in divorce. Unfortunately, most don’t take enough time to understand, heal and grow from a divorce and this shows up in the divorce rates that increase with each subsequent marriage. People keep making the same choices hoping for something better, but ending with the same result. Divorce counseling can help work through growth areas of the individual that prepares them for a successful future romantic relationships or marriage the next time. It can also help by guiding a couple through the divorce process to end their marriage well.

Divorce Counseling to End Well

When seeking divorce counseling, somethimes the divorce is amicable and the coupe is just looking for help in how to end the marriage in a fair and respectful way. If the couple is able to settle the financial and legal issues outside of a courtroom, there is a good chance they can also partner on ending the marriage well. This is usually when children are involved and the parents both desire to make the post-divorce reality as positive and collaborative as possible.

Divorce Counseling to Prepare for the Future